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Jonathan Ellis, Esq. Featured on Fox 5 New York Regarding Trademark Dispute

Partner Jonathan Ellis, Esq. spoke to Fox 5 New York Friday regarding a landmark trade infringement lawsuit between New York University Langone Health and Northwell Health. NYU Langone alleges that Northwell committed “deceptive trade practices” by copying the company’s signature purple-colored marketing materials, confusing consumers. “They’re alleging that there is confusion. And really that’s the […]

NJ to Reverse Ban on General Assistance Payments to Former Drug Convicts

Monmouth County Criminal Defense Lawyers

New Jersey will again attempt to reverse a policy banning former drug convicts from receiving general assistance payments. While those convicted of violent crimes and felony drug possession are eligible to receive $185 monthly and job training in the program aiming to help low-income adults without children improve their living conditions upon leaving incarceration, those […]

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